Shareholders have requested conversion of 12,739 Class A common shares into Class B common shares in accordance with Sagax's Articles of Association. Conversion has taken place, which has reduced the number of votes in the company by 11,465.1 votes. The number of votes thus amounts to 70,501,863.1 after the conversion. The share capital of SEK 816,700,129 is unchanged.

As of 30 August 2024, the total number of shares in the company is 466,685,788 divided between 26,481,427 Class A common shares, 313,943,032 Class B common shares (of which 2,000,000 shares are held in treasury) and 126,261,329 Class D common shares.


Class A common shares represent 26,481,427 votes, Class B common shares represent 31,394,303.2 votes and Class D common shares represent 12,626,132.9 votes.


For further information, please contact CEO David Mindus, tel +46 8 545 83 540.


About AB Sagax

AB Sagax is a property company whose business concept is to invest in commercial properties, primarily in the warehouse and light industry segment. Sagax's property holdings per 30 June 2024 amounted to 4,425,000 square metres, distributed over 918 properties. AB Sagax (publ) is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, Large Cap. More information is available at


This information is information that AB Sagax (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person above, on 30 August 2024 at 10.00 a.m. (CEST).


Every care has been taken in the translation of this press release. In the event of discrepancies, however, the Swedish original will supersede the English translation.

Datum 2024-08-30, kl 10:00
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