RevolutionRace announces new financial targets – continues on growth journey and industry leading profitability levels


Today, RVRC Holding AB (publ) (“RevolutionRace”) announces new financial targets. The new targets reflect the company’s strategic priorities regarding continued growth and industry leading profitability levels.

RevolutionRace’s Board of Directors has today adopted new financial targets. The targets are set for a new three-year period, ending at the financial year 2026/2027 and are a natural reflection of past years’ performance, the company’s business plan which focuses on continued international growth and expansion of new products as well as the investments required to continue on the growth journey.

Financial targets for the financial years 2024/2025 - 2026/2027
RevolutionRace strives for a sustainable and profitable growth with an annual growth target of 20 percent and to maintain an annual adjusted EBIT-margin of 20 percent.

These financial targets replace the previously communicated financial targets dated spring 2021. It should be noted that the dividend policy remains unchanged.

The company’s CEO Paul Fischbein will dedicate a separate slot during tomorrow’s conference call, in conjunction with the presentation of the Q3-results, to describe the rationale behind the new financial targets.

Datum 2024-05-06, kl 18:30
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