Niclas Nyrensten declines re-election and will leave the Board of RevolutionRace


Niclas Nyrensten, board member and co-founder of RVRC Holding AB (publ) (”RevolutionRace”), has notified that he declines re-election to the Board of RevolutionRace. He has also notified that he will leave the Board no later than July 2024.

”The company has after 10 years become mature enough to manage without the founders – I and Pernilla. I continue to be committed to RevolutionRace and will be available as a sparring partner if needed. The reason for declining re-election is that our son has been accepted to high school in Spain and that the family will move with him. I have full faith in the Board and management of RevolutionRace to continue in the same spirit as we have had since the start” says Niclas Nyrensten in a comment.

Øistein Widding, the Chairperson of the Nomination Committee, has been informed and will together with the other members of the Nomination Committee review the Board’s future composition based on the above.

In connection with Niclas Nyrensten leaving the Board, the Board will consist of Alexander Martensen-Larsen, Sara Diez Jauregui, Cecilie Elde, Andreas Källström Säfweräng, Birgitta Stymne Göransson and David Thörewik.

Datum 2024-05-08, kl 12:41
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