Change in management team of Rugvista


Rugvista hereby announces a change in the management team where CDPO (Chief Design and Purchasing Officer) Carin Terins leaves

Carin Terins joined Rugvista in 2018 and has as CDPO been responsible for Rugvista’s design- and purchase function. Carin Terins has announced that she has decided to leave Rugvista. Carin will continue in duty until June 2024 after which the CEO will assume the operational responsibility for the assortment- and purchase function until further notice.

”I want to extend my thanks to Carin for her fantastic commitment and efforts during her time at Rugvista where she’s strongly contributed to the company’s development and successes during the years. We wish her all the best going forward.”, says Michael Lindskog, CEO and group CEO at Rugvista.

“I am happy and proud of what I have achieved during exciting and developing years at Rugvista but now I am looking forward to a new chapter in life with new challenges”, says Carin Terins.

Contact information

Michael Lindskog, CEO

Joakim Tuvner, CFO

Certified advisor

FNCA Sweden AB
Box 5216
Nybrogatan 34
SE 102 45 Stockholm

About Rugvista

Rugvista is one of Europe’s leading “direct-to-consumer” e-commerce players and markets carpets and rugs through its own web-shops available in 20 different languages using the brands Rugvista and CarpetVista. The company was founded 2005 and offers a wide and relevant selection of high-quality design- and traditional carpets and rugs at attractive prices. Rugvista offers its EU based customers free deliveries and returns free of charge.

The business is divided into three segments: Private consumers (B2C), Business consumers (B2B), and Marketplaces & Other (MPO). The B2C segment represents the consumer market and is Rugvista’s core segment.

Number of coworkers within Rugvista Group is approximately 90 FTEs and the company is headquartered in Malmö, Sweden. The Rugvista Group AB (publ) share is traded on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market under the ticker symbol “RUG”.

Datum 2024-05-14, kl 13:00
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