New brand - Spring by Rottneros marks the Group's investment in CTMP


- We have a strong brand for our chemical pulp, Robur Flash. Now we want to create an equally strong brand for our CTMP quality, says Kasper Skuthälla, Rottneros Sales and Business Development Manager.


Spring by Rottneros is a quality primarily developed for the needs of the growing cardboard market and can
also be adapted for a range of other special applications. It is approved for food contact and can be obtained
as environmentally certified.


- Significant investments in increased capacity, renewable energy production at Rottneros Mill and new development opportunities are an excellent opportunity to name our product, says Kasper Skuthälla.


The Group's other brands:

Robur Flash UKP and ECF – our unbleached and bleached sulphate pulp, manufactured by Vallvik Mill.

Nature by Rottneros - molded fiber packaging, manufactured by Rottneros Packaging.


Read more:
PM April 26th 2023: Rottneros invests for significantly increased production of CTMP | Rottneros

Products | Rottneros


For further information please contact:

Kasper Skuthälla, Sales and Business Development Manager

+46 702296993,


Datum 2024-02-27, kl 08:00
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