The Nomination Committee's proposal for the Board of Directors of Resurs Holding


The Nomination Committee of Resurs Holding AB (publ) has decided to propose to the Annual General Meeting 2024, the re-election of the Board members Martin Bengtsson, Lars Nordstrand, Marita Odélius, Mikael Wintzell and Pia-Lena Olofsson and that Harald Walden and Ola Laurin are elected as new Board members.

The proposal entails that the Board shall consist of seven members and that Martin Bengtsson is re-election as the Chairman of the Board. Fredrik Carlsson and Kristina Patek have declined re-election.

The proposed new member Harald Walden has extensive experience in the fintech industry and is currently the CTO at Brite Payments. He has also experience from Qliro as co-founder and CTO, and from Stardoll as Head of Product and Director Payments.

The other proposed new member, Ola Laurin, has extensive experience in the financial sector, particularly in payment solutions, credit risk assessments and Business to Business. He has been CEO and Chairman of the Board at PayEx and has held several leading positions at Swedbank, most recently as Head of Large Corporates & Institutions and a member of the Group Management. Ola also has significant expertise in the banking regulatory area.

The Nomination Committee's other proposals will be presented in the Notice to the Annual General Meeting, and the Nomination Committee's motivated statement will also be provided in connection therewith.

The Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday, 25 April, 2024, at 1:00 PM, at Clarion Hotel & Congress Sea U, Kungsgatan 1, Helsingborg. Shareholders also have the opportunity to exercise their voting rights by postal voting before the Annual General Meeting, following the instructions specified in the Notice.

To contact the Chairman of the Nomination Committee Martin Bengtsson, please contact Lena Johansson, Legal Counsel and Secretary of the Board,, +46 73 274 54 19

Datum 2024-03-20, kl 13:00
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