Resurs Bank issues senior unsecured bonds

In line with Resurs’s strategy of long-term diversified financing, Resurs Holding’s subsidiary Resurs Bank has issued senior unsecured bonds of SEK 500 million and NOK 200 million.

Resurs Bank AB, a wholly owned subsidiary of Resurs Holding AB (Nasdaq Stockholm: RESURS), has issued senior unsecured bonds of SEK 500 million and NOK 200 million in the Nordic markets.

The bonds were issued under Resurs Bank’s MTN programme, with a total framework of SEK 10 billion, and will be listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and Oslo Børs respectively.

Both the Swedish and the Norwegian bonds have a three-year-tenor. The Swedish bonds will carry variable interest of 3 months STIBOR +1.90%, and the Norwegian bonds will carry variable interest of 3 months NIBOR +1.90%.

DNB Markets and Nordea acted as financial consultants in connection with the bond issue.

Sofie Tarring Lindell, CFO and Head of IR, +46-73-644 33 95,
Martin Johansson, Head of Treasury, +46-73-661 21 65,

Datum 2025-03-04, kl 17:30
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