Resurs Bank extends and increases its ABS financing
In line with Resurs’s strategy of long-term diversified financing, Resurs Holding’s subsidiary Resurs Bank is extending and increases its existing ABS financing. The financing framework increases from SEK 3 billion to SEK 4 billion and is being carried out with J.P. Morgan.
Resurs Bank has signed an agreement to extend the existing ABS financing. It comprises a securitisation of consumer loans, which is a form of structured financing known as asset-backed securities (ABS).
The extension means that a new revolving period has now commenced and the financing framework increases.
– We are proud of our long partnership with J.P. Morgan, and having access to diversified financing is something that Resurs have worked actively with for a long time, says Sofie Tarring Lindell, CFO and Head of IR at Resurs.
Sofie Tarring Lindell, CFO and Head of IR, +46-73-644 33 95,
Martin Johansson, Head of Treasury, +46-73-661 21 65,
Datum | 2024-10-23, kl 19:30 |
Källa | MFN |