Resqunit AB: Invitation to presentation


Stockholm, 20th March 2024: On Friday, April 19th, 2024, 14:00 p.m., the company will conduct a presentation with the following content:

  • Update on operational status
  • Clarifications on the RTO transaction
  • Future outlooks and information on the new business
  • Future outlooks on the existing business

Q/A: Shareholders and interested parties are given the opportunity to ask questions to the company. Questions can be sent in advance to In addition to pre-submitted questions, we will also try to answer questions submitted in the chat during the presentation. The company will strive to answer as many questions as possible.

The presentation will be held on Teams and you can join the meeting on Friday, April 19th, 2024, 14:00 p.m., by following the link below:

Link to online Teams meeting room

Datum 2024-04-05, kl 12:17
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