Notice of allowance of US patent application for VAL001


The patent application is the first concerning the VAL001 formulation for Respiratorius and claims a new oral formulation of sodium valproate for the pre-treatment of cancer. The priority date for the patent application is April 21, 2016, and is valid for at least 20 years from the priority date, which provides market exclusivity during this period. The corresponding application was approved in Japan in 2022 and in Canada in 2023.

The examination process at the USPTO has been complex and has included an appeal to the Appeals Board (PTAB) of the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The Board of Appeal annulled the examiner's oppositions, as well as the decision rejecting the patent application.

It is gratifying that the patent finally is granted in the US as well, which is the single most important market for VAL001, says Johan Drott, CEO of Respiratorius in a comment. We hope that the patent approval will lead to further increased interest in VAL001, Johan Drott continues.


For further information, please contact:


Johan Drott, CEO

Respiratorius AB

+46 709-22 41 40



Respiratorius AB (publ) is developing candidates for new effective drugs for the treatment of aggressive lymphoma. The company's business concept is to develop candidates for new drugs based on patent-pending substances, which in preclinical studies have shown superior results compared to what is currently considered standard treatment. For more information about Respiratorius, visit


This disclosure contains information that Respiratorius is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 03-07-2024 08:59 CET.

Datum 2024-07-03, kl 08:59
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