Rejlers publishes Annual & Sustainability Report 2023


Rejlers today published its Annual & Sustainability Report for 2023 on its website and its Progress Report 2024

"As the Home of the Learning Minds, our success lies in a tireless commitment to sustainability, which permeates everything we do – both internally and in our relationships with customers. With our new sustainability strategy, we are strengthening our ambition to be a driving force in the energy transition, industrial transformation, and in the work of future-proofing our societies. Our role as a catalyst is not only changing how we run our business, but also how we shape the future together."

Viktor Svensson, Rejlers CEO

Shareholders and other stakeholders who wish to receive a printed copy of the 2023 Annual & Sustainability Report can order it via

For further information, visit or contact:

Anna Jennehov, CFO, +46 73 074 06 70, 
Malin Sparf Rydberg, Director of Communications, +46 70 477 17 00,

This information is information that Rejlers AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 14:00 CEST on 3 April 2024.

About Rejlers
Rejlers is one of the leading engineering consultancy firms in the Nordic region. With cutting-edge expertise, we help companies, public authorities and other organisations meet tomorrow's societal challenges. Our services are important building blocks for achieving a sustainable society. Founded in 1942, Rejlers success is built on the ability to constantly embrace new knowledge. Our vision "Home of the learning minds" guides us to continuous learning, development and growth. With operations in Sweden, Finland, Norway and the United Arab Emirates, Rejlers has 3300 experts in technology areas such as energy, industry, infrastructure and real estate. In 2023, the company had a turnover of 4.1 billion SEK and its class B share is listed on Mid Cap, Nasdaq Stockholm.

Datum 2024-04-03, kl 14:00
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