Railway Metrics and Dynamics

Railway Metrics and Dynamics Initiates Batch Production of Company Products


"There has been considerable interest in RMD's digitalization products, and orders have been coming in as expected. We are now beginning batch production here in Sweden," says Jan Lindqvist, CEO of Railway Metrics and Dynamics.

The PMUs' sensor technology is at the heart of RMD's "system of systems" for railway digitalization. They provide detailed information about locomotives, wagons, and infrastructure, analyzing their interaction in real-time.

The rear-view cameras offer real-time monitoring of the rear part of trains, significantly enhancing safety and helping to streamline operations for freight train operators.

"We estimate that the market for rear-view cameras is between 800 and 1,000 units in Sweden alone. The feedback we've received from users so far has been very positive," concludes Jan Lindqvist.

Datum 2024-07-10, kl 10:58
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