Quickbit streamlines its operations: optimizing for expansion, growth, and innovation

Quickbit sees a significant future growing demand for payment services, payment systems, and purchasing experiences that can leverage the advantages of digital assets as part of the transaction structure. Quickbit has developed a platform competitive to the Stablecoin platform Bridge, which was recently acquired by Stripe.

Quickbit is revising the company with a new scalable strategy and restructuring, which includes:

  1. Increased focus on innovation and product development, especially within Corporate Wallet, Pay, and related services.
  2. Developed business plan for global growth and expansion into new markets.
  3. Reinvest parts of the revenue from existing products in innovation to support global expansion.

As part of this strategic change, the board proposes a name change from Quickbit eu AB (publ) to Valuno Group AB (publ), which will reflect the company's new direction and ambitions.

Over the past two years, Quickbit has undergone a transformation journey to regain high growth within its existing products. At the same time, the company has developed the B2B product Corporate Wallet, which is considered to have great potential and competes directly with Bridge, which was recently acquired by Stripe for $1.1 billion.

Peter Liljeroos, Chairman of the Board, comments: "Given the significant global interest currently in innovative payment solutions, we see this as a very good opportunity to launch a long-term scalable strategy to optimize the utilization of market potential."

The strategy further develops Quickbit's established vision and focus on providing and marketing innovative financial services and payment solutions. The company's overarching goal is to take a leading global position in innovative payment technology by offering user-friendly and secure solutions that enable easy integration of cryptocurrency into people's daily lives.

For further information, please contact
Peter Liljeroos, Chairman of the Board
+46 10 222 5333


Daniel Sonesson, CEO 
+ 46 73 530 30 25


Quickbit is a Swedish fintech company founded in 2016 with the goal of making the integration of cryptocurrencies into the everyday lives of people and companies smoother. Today, Quickbit offers safe and easy-to-use products for e-merchants as well as customers. With a transaction volume to date in excess of €1 billion, Quickbit has already enabled and empowered individuals around the world, through the use of cryptocurrencies. Quickbit has been listed on NGM Nordic SME since July 2019. For more information, please visit www.quickbit.com

Datum 2024-12-03, kl 08:15
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