The Nomination Committee for Qliro’s Annual General Meeting 2024


Qliro's Nomination Committee for the Annual General Meeting 2024 has been appointed in accordance with current instructions and applicable law.

The Nomination Committee consists of:

  • Christoffer Häggblom, appointed by Rite Ventures, Chairman of the Nomination Committee
  • Alexander Antas, appointed by Mandatum Private Equity
  • Thomas Krishan
  • Patrik Enblad, Chairman of the Board, Qliro

The Nomination Committee's assignment includes preparing proposals for the Annual General Meeting for resolutions regarding:

  • The number of board members and auditors and, where applicable, deputy auditors
  • Chairman of the general meeting
  • Directors of the Board
  • Chairman of the Board
  • Board fees, with the division between the Chairman and the other Directors, as well as remuneration for committee work
  • Auditors and, where applicable, deputy auditors
  • Remuneration of auditors
  • Any changes in the current instructions for the Nomination Committee.

The Annual General Meeting is expected to take place in May 2024, in Stockholm, Sweden.

A shareholder who would like to submit a proposal to the Nomination Committee are welcome to contact the Nomination Committee. In order for the Nomination Committee to be able to consider a proposal, the proposal must have been received well in advance of the Annual General Meeting.

Written proposals can be sent by e-mail to or by ordinary mail to Qliro AB, to: The Nomination Committee, Box 195 25, 104 32 Stockholm, Sweden.

Datum 2023-10-10, kl 18:18
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