Bulletin from Qliro’s Extra General Meeting on 9 February 2024


Resolutions were passed earlier today on 9 February 2024 at Qliro’s Extra General Meeting on adopting a long term incentive programme and to carry out a directed issue and transfer of not more than 500,000 warrants, as well as adopting a short term incentive programme in accordance with the proposals in the notice convening the meeting. Each warrant entitles to subscription of one share in Qliro. The resolution entails an increase of the share capital of not more than SEK 1,440,000 if the issue of the warrants is fully subscribed and thereafter exercised for subscription of shares. The dilution thus amounts to not more than 2.6 percent. The warrants can be used for subscription of shares starting 1 April 2027. The warrants are issued without compensation. The subscription price for each share subscribed for on the basis of a warrant shall correspond to 200 percent of the volume weighted average price of Qliro’s share on Nasdaq Stockholm during the ten trading day period ending 1st of April 2024.

The warrants shall be allocated between the participants in the long term incentive programme in accordance with the table below.

CategoryMaximum no. of personsMaximum no. of warrants per person
Executive management team3100,000
Other key persons1960,000

The short term incentive programme comprises a bonus to be paid out in relation to 2024. The payment will be made during the first half of 2025. The bonus is intended to be paid out 55 percent in cash and 45 percent in shares in Qliro. The potential issuance of shares in Qliro by reason of the short term incentive programme must be resolved upon at Qliro’s annual general meeting 2025 by a majority of shareholders representing nine tenths of the votes cast and the shares represented.

The meeting was held in Wigge & Partners Advokat KB’s offices in Stockholm and by way of postal voting.

For further information, please contact:
Patrik Enblad, Chairman of the Board of Qliro

Datum 2024-02-09, kl 11:01
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