Very strong sales in the quarter, + 53 %


– Fifth consecutive quarter of growth

1 April-30 June

  • Net sales reached SEK 5,4 (3,5) million
  • Loss after taxes SEK -4,1 (-3,7) million
  • Earnings per share were SEK -0,07 (-0,07)
  • Cash and equivalents were 34,4 (4,4) million

Significant events during period

  • Distribution agreement signed in Poland
  • Distribution agreement signed in Switzerland
  • The Board decides on a rights issue
  • The rights issue was subscribed to 85% and brought the company approximately SEK 34 million in capital before issue costs

1 January-30 June

  • Net sales reached SEK 10,9 (8,1) million
  • Loss after taxes SEK -7,3 (-5,8) million
  • Earnings per share were SEK -0,10 (-0,11)

Significant events after the period

  • The company decided to withdraw the 510(k) application in the USA, for the Schelin Catheter®
  • The company decided that it intends to apply De Novo for Schelin Catheter®

Net sales118,18,5
Gross margin, %687687
Operating profit/loss-7,2-5,8-3,9
Cash flow from operating activities-6,1-9,5-3,2
Average number of employees977

”The great interest in all our products, not only the stand-alone products but also CoreTherm, in several countries makes us look with confidence to the future”.

Johan Wennerholm
CEO, ProstaLund AB (publ)

Datum 2023-07-14, kl 08:15
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