Prisma Properties Interim Report Q3 2024


Q3, July - September 2024

  • Rental income: SEK 98 (85) million
  • Net operating income: SEK 88 (75) million
  • Net financial items: SEK -28 (-51) million
  • Profit from property management: SEK 46 (12) million
  • Adjusted profit from property management, excluding items affecting comparability and exchange rate effects: SEK 46 (29) million
  • Unrealised changes in value of properties: SEK 31 (-5) million
  • Net profit/loss for the period: SEK 23 (-1) million, equating to SEK 0.17 per share (-0.02) before and after dilution

January – September 2024

  • Rental income: SEK 291 (245) million
  • Net operating income: SEK 255 (221) million
  • Net financial items: SEK -102 (-99) million
  • Profit from property management: SEK 82 (83) million
  • Adjusted profit from property management, excluding items affecting comparability and exchange rate effects: SEK 109 (93) million
  • Unrealised changes in value of properties: SEK -32 (-120) million
  • Net profit/loss for the period: SEK -45 (-39) million, of which the result attributable to the parent company's shareholders amounted to SEK -46 (-35) million, corresponding to SEK -0.34 per share (-0.35) before and after dilution.

CEO’s Comments

The third-quarter results are in line with expectations and show that Prisma is moving forward at a steady pace.

"Rental income increased by 16 percent during the quarter, to SEK 98 million (85), and net operating income rose by 17 percent to SEK 88 million (75). The adjusted profit from property management, excluding items affecting comparability and exchange rate effects, increased to SEK 46 million (29). Our strong net leasing, which amounted to SEK 12 million during the quarter, confirms the high demand we are seeing from discount retailers. Our focus going forward is to realize our strong project pipeline and execute strategic transactions to drive profitable growth, with the goal of becoming the leading developer and long-term owner of discount retail properties in the Nordics”, says Fredrik Mässing, CEO of Prisma Properties.

The full CEO statement is available in the interim report.

Datum 2024-11-06, kl 07:00
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