Nomination committee appointed ahead of 2024 Annual General Meeting of Pricer AB


The shareholders and representatives comprising the Nomination Committee are:

– Göran Sundholm, own holding.

– Giulia Nobili, nominated by Sterling Strategic Value Fund S.A., Luxemburg.

– Marc St John Webb, nominated by Quaero Capital S.A., Switzerland.

At the Nomination Committee’s first meeting, a Chairman of the Nomination Committee will be appointed. This information will subsequently be updated on Pricer’s website.

The Nomination Committee shall complete the tasks that pertain to it under the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance, which means that it will present the following proposals to the Annual General Meeting 2024: (a) proposal for board of directors, (b) proposal for auditor, (c) proposal for chairman of the board, (d) proposal for director’s fees to each of the directors and the chair and remuneration for committee work, (e) proposal for remuneration to the auditor, (f) proposal for chairman of the annual general meeting, (g) principles for appointment of the nomination committee and (h) to the extent deemed necessary, proposal regarding amendments of the current instruction for the Nomination Committee.

The Annual General Meeting will be held on May 7, 2024, in Stockholm.

Shareholders who wish to contact Pricer’s Nomination Committee to submit proposals can contact the Committee in due time ahead of the Annual General Meeting by e-mail at or by letter to: Pricer AB, Attention: Valberedningen, Box 215, S-101 24 Stockholm, Sweden.

For further information, please contact:

Magnus Larsson, President and CEO, +46 704 316851

Susanna Zethelius, CFO, +46 704 440 092

Every care has been taken in the translation of this document. In the event of discrepancies, the Swedish original will supersede the English translation.

About Pricer

Pricer is a leading global technology company serving the rapidly growing smart retail market with in-store digital solutions that enhance both store performance and the shopping experience. Through electronic shelf labels, advanced technology, such as optical wireless communication and AI, and continuous innovation, Pricer offers the foundation for in-store communication and efficiency. The industry-leading Pricer platform delivers benefits from 30 years of deployment experience and is fast, robust, interconnectable and scalable. Pricer was founded in Sweden in 1991 and is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. For further information, please visit

Datum 2023-11-07, kl 11:14
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