Precise Biometrics Launches New Initiatives to Accelerate Growth in Visitor Management Systems

Precise Biometrics, a pioneer in biometrics and cybersecurity, is taking new initiatives to accelerate growth in the field of visitor access and management systems. Increased sales force, expanded offering and expansion into new geographical areas are some of the initiatives. The goal is to increase the visibility of the company's visitor management system YOUNiQ Visit to meet the growing demand for high-tech security solutions, both on the Swedish market and internationally.

Precise Biometrics’ management team is constantly working to optimize the company's offerings and customer processing to maximize growth. Further efforts are now being made to ensure that the company's visitor system can reach its full potential. 
Factors that drive the demand for visitor management systems are increased office presence, a focus on physical security and cyber security, demands for efficiency and digitization and a focus on better customer service. In combination with new regulations that make it possible for authorities and public operations to make greater use of cloud-based solutions, the result is greater demand for Precise Biometrics visitor systems. 
Precise Biometrics continues to develop the product offering, where one of the major innovations is the Scan & Check-in function, which is ideal for businesses with a limited number of visitors, or unmanned receptions that do not want to invest in hardware, but still place high demands on an efficient and professional visitor management. One of the great benefits of the feature is that guests use their own phone to check in. 
Precise Biometrics’ management team recognizes that sales during the year have developed positively for both Sweden and other markets, but at too slow a pace. A trend break was experienced in September, which became the best sales month of the year so far, as presented in the Q3 report on November 15th, but management wants to further accelerate the positive trend. Going forward, further geographical expansion is also planned. 
Some of the companies that have signed new or updated agreements in recent months are Billerud, Båstad municipality, Consilium Marine & Safety, Duni, Folksam, Försäkringrådgivarna i Mälardalen, Helsingborgs city, Installatörsföretagen, HELIO (Gate: 01), Ledarna, Returpack, Sandvikens Energi, Statistics Norway and White Architects. 
Joakim Nydemark, CEO Precise Biometrics, comments: 
"September was a strong month in terms of sales and now we are increasing the pace further through specific investments. We see a trend where the need for efficient and secure visitor management systems is increasing, and we are proud to be able to offer YOUNiQ Visit that meets these requirements. Our product development and business investment focus on making it easy for companies and public actors to create safe and welcoming environments and with our over 700 customers we have a good base to build on.” 
Read more about YOUNiQ Visit at

Datum 2024-11-22, kl 08:05
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