Invitation to Precise Biometrics Q1 2024 Interim Report Presentation

Precise Biometrics will publish its interim report for Q1 2024 on Tuesday, May 14th, at 08:00. The company will also publish a video interview with CEO Joakim Nydemark in which he will comment on the report. In addition to the interview there is an opportunity to participate in a live Q&A session with Joakim Nydemark on the report day starting at 10:00 am.

The interview and the live Q&A session are part of the interactive video material created to supplement the report and provide further depth and a better understanding on the financial markets of the company's operations.

Investors, analysts and members of the press are welcome to watch the video interview with Joakim Nydemark on the report day, as well as participate in the question and answer session, via the video player accessed here:

No pre-registration is required, and questions can be asked live in the chat box in the video player. It is also possible to send questions in advance to the company's IR mailbox:

A link to the player containing the interview and a recorded version of the Q&A will also be available afterwards on the company's website.

The interview with Joakim Nydemark is conducted in Swedish with English subtitles and the live Q&A will be held in English.

Datum 2024-05-10, kl 08:00
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