Sky News feature PolarCool and interview CEO Erik Andersson


PolarCool AB (publ.) continues to receive attention from international media. The company's CEO Erik Andersson was recently interviewed by the British news channel Sky News, where he discussed the development of the PolarCap® System and his own background as a professional ice hockey player, including his personal experience with concussions.


PolarCool develops and markets the product PolarCap®, which alleviates the effects of concussions. The primary users of PolarCap® include sports clubs, organizations, and facilities in contact sports such as ice hockey, rugby, football, and handball, but also other sports with an increased risk of concussion.


In the interview with Sky News, Erik Andersson discusses the PolarCap® System, explaining the rational behind it and how it works. He also shares his background as a professional ice hockey player and personal experiences of suffering from concussions.


See the full interview with PolarCool's CEO Erik Andersson here: News | PolarCool


For more information

Erik Andersson – CEO  
+46 – 73 860 57 00    


About PolarCool AB (publ.)

PolarCool AB (publ.) is a medical device company that develops, markets, and sells products for sports medicine. The company focuses on treatment of concussive and sub-concussive brain injury with the portable cooling device PolarCap® System. PolarCool AB (publ.) is based in Lund, Sweden, and its shares are listed on Spotlight Stock Market.

Datum 2024-06-11, kl 10:01
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