PMD Device Solutions
RespiraSense selected by an industry-leading ventilation company for clinical studies.
In Q1 2024, a market-leading ventilation company commences three separate clinical studies aimed at improving ventilation therapy of both hospitalised and homecare patients while using PMD Device Solutions AB's ("PMD") novel device, RespiraSense, to optimise care outcomes by the continuous measurement of respiratory rate.
In Q1 2024, a market-leading ventilation company began three concurrently run clinical studies focusing on optimising ventilation therapy across countries spanning North America and Australasia while purchasing RespiraSense as the tool to monitor respiratory rate continuously. The number of patients to be recruited is not likely to exceed 300.
Respiratory rate is a leading indicator of respiratory failure. PMD has demonstrated that it can predict failure in patients 12 hours earlier than the standard of care, i.e. interim monitoring using pulse oximetry. Using RespiraSense in tandem with the intervention of ventilation support can transform the management of respiratory compromised patients and significantly improve outcomes. Patient recruitment for each of the studies will span the next 12-18 months, after which the results will be published by the ventilation company.
“RespiraSense is already used by existing hospital and homecare clinical teams to deploy ventilation support and optimise the therapy to the patient's specific needs. Although PMD has a direct-to-market sales strategy, working with peers to improve patient outcomes is an arm of the Company’s growth and thought leadership strategy. Clinical studies are vital to any medical device Company's marketing strategy. Their use of RespiraSense is a testament to the product’s clinical utility for supporting timely clinical decision-making.” says PMD’s Founder and CEO Myles Murray.
PMD is not a sponsor of these studies and will not be reporting on the studies’ progress.
Datum | 2024-01-25, kl 17:35 |
Källa | MFN |