PMD announces new ISIN code and timetable for reverse split of shares

In connection with the reverse share split, whereby 128 shares are combined into one (1) new share, PMDS will receive a new ISIN code.

The last day of trading in PMD's share before the reverse share split is 30 January 2024 and the first day of trading in combined shares is 31 January 2024. PMD's share price will thus reflect the effect of the reverse share split as of 31 January 2024.

In connection with the reverse split, the PMD share (PMDS) will change its ISIN code as of 31 January 2024. The new ISIN code for PMD's share is SE0021513645.

Shareholders will automatically receive a new, lower number of shares in proportion to their holding on the record date of 1 February 2024. Shareholders whose holding of shares on the record date is not evenly divisible by 128 will receive shares free of charge in order to make the holding evenly divisible by 128. Provision of shares will be made through Euroclear Sweden AB, without any further action being required by shareholders.

Datum 2024-01-29, kl 12:24
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