PHI granted patent on synthetic antibodies in the EU

In spring 2023, PHI established the subsidiary PHI MIPS AB to house the synthetic antibody patent family. This subsidiary streamlines communication and provides transparency regarding the synthetic antibody patents, setting it apart from PHI AB’s core business.

“We’re pleased to have secured the synthetic antibodies patent in the US, Japan, and now the EU. In the future, our PHI MIPS AB subsidiary will enable us to explore the business possibilities of either licensing or selling the patent rights,” states Patrik Eschricht, PHI CEO.

Synthetic antibodies

The granted patents protect technology for creating synthetic plastic antibodies that can be tailored to recognize and bind to specific molecules with high precision, such as identifying cancer cells in blood or tissue samples.

The synthetic antibodies are developed within the joint GlycoImaging project where PHI participated with Malmö University and four other research institutes. PHI holds the commercial rights to the innovation, owning 75 % of the patents, while Germany’s Federal Institute for Materials Research (BAM) owns the remaining 25 %.

Datum 2023-12-07, kl 14:48
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