Perpetua Medical is offered a loan facility of up to SEK 25 million


The company's main shareholder, Nolsterby Invest AB, has offered a loan facility of up to SEK 25 million under the terms described below, provided that the agreement is approved by an extraordinary general meeting (EGM), to be held no later than August 31, 2024. Nolsterby Invest AB is offering this loan facility to enable the company to make its first acquisitions under the company’s new business direction, as the company’s own assets are currently insufficient.

Nolsterby Invest AB owns 25.1 percent of the shares in Perpetua Medical AB (publ) and is therefore considered a related party to the company, which means that the rules in Chapter 16a in the Swedish Company Act regarding certain related-party transactions must be considered.

  • The loan facility amounts to a maximum of up to SEK 25,000,000.
  • The interest rate is variable and set at STIBOR 3M + 4 percentage points. However, the interest rate shall never be lower than 6%. Accrued interest shall be paid after the end of each financial year or upon repayment of the principal amount.
  • The facility may only be used for the purchase of shares in other companies. Written approval from the board of Nolsterby Invest AB for the intended acquisition is a prerequisite for any drawdown unless the company undertakes to provide satisfactory collateral for the intended loan.
  • Loan drawdowns can occur on one or more occasions with only an upper limit of the facility's total amount of SEK 25,000,000. Draw-downs can be made up until March 31, 2026.
  • The loan matures on December 31, 2028, at which time it must be repaid. During the loan period, the loans are interest-only. However, the company has the right to make partial repayments at any time during the term. If the loan is repaid earlier than the mature date, accrued interest at the time of repayment must also be paid by the company.

Anders Hedlund, CEO of Perpetua Medical, comments: ”This financing solution is a crucial part of the business plan we have outlined for Perpetua Medical. I am particularly pleased to have a financing solution in place that is non-dilutive for the company’s shareholders, especially as we are now in negotiations to make our first acquisitions.”

This is a translation from the Swedish version of the press release. If any subject of interpretation between the two, the Swedish version prevails.

This disclosure contains information that Pharmacolog is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 12-06-2024 08:30 CET.


For more information

For more information please contact:

Anders Hedlund, CEO, Phone: +4670-952 09 12 or via


About us

Perpetua Medical's ambition is to become a serial acquirer of profitable companies in the healthcare sector. The company's assessment is that a decentralized ownership model, where operations and decision-making take place in independent subsidiaries, creates the best conditions for value creation. The company name Perpetua (the Latin word for eternal) reflects the strategy of acquiring companies to own them and without any fixed time horizon.


Further information regarding the company is available at


The company’s Certified Adviser is:

Mangold Fondkommission AB



Datum 2024-06-12, kl 08:30
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