Peab has issued new green bonds

On March 11, 2025 Peab issued bonds for a total value of 500 million Swedish kronor. The bonds have a maturity of 3 years with a variable interest rate of 3 months Stibor (the Stockholm Interbank Offered Rate) plus 1.50 percentage points.

Funds from the issue will be used to finance investments in green and energy buildings, ECO efficient and circular products and production processes, sustainable transportation and water management and measures for avoiding and limiting pollution.

"We're very pleased to have issued our green bonds with good terms. We have a well-defined plan for how to transition our business so it becomes climate neutral and this issue is a vital part of this work," says Niclas Winkvist, CFO of Peab.

Peab has adopted two sub-targets on the road to achieving our ultimate goal of climate neutrality in 2045. One is to reduce carbon dioxide intensity from our own production 60 percent by 2030 and the other is to reduce carbon dioxide intensity from input goods and purchased services 50 percent by 2030.

The green bonds were issued within the framework of Peab's Swedish MTN program and the framework for green financing. The framework has been audited by the independent company Morningstar Sustainalytics which confirms that it is robust, transparent and in line with the latest market standard. The last time Peab issued green bonds was in June 2024 for a value of 1.5 billion Swedish kronor.

The settlement day is March 20, 2025.

The transaction was arranged by Swedbank and Nordea.

For further information, please contact:

Juha Hartomaa, Head of Investor Relations Peab, +46 725 33 31 45

Datum 2025-03-12, kl 07:30
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