Peab enlarges high school in Bergen

After a phase of collaboration that began in the fall of 2022 Peab is now going to enlarge Langhaugen High School with a new building. The extension will increase the school's capacity by around 90 places for a total of 720 students. The project comprises the new school building with rooms for music, dance, sports and science, the surrounding grounds and a connection between the existing and new buildings. Solar panels will be installed on the roof and the sports hall will be built under the ground floor of the new building. In total the school will expand by a gross area of 6,600 m2.

"It's rewarding to work together with such a competent customer as Vestland Municipality. The collaboration phase has enabled us to take advantage of each other's expertise and experience to achieve the best possible project and result. It's particularly important that we can carry out this project in a way that is safe for students, personnel and the school's neighbors," says Kjetil Nordang, Region Manager Peab.

The project is a turnkey contract. Construction start is planned for June 2024 and will take two years.

The project will be order registered in the first quarter 2024.

Illustration: Ola Roald Arkitektur

For further information, please contact:

Juha Hartomaa, Head of Investor Relations Peab, +46 72 533 31 45

Datum 2024-02-06, kl 08:00
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