Peab continues to rebuild the wastewater treatment plant in Henriksdal

Stockholm Vatten och Avfall runs the project Stockholm's future wastewater treatment. This includes a new sewage tunnel from Bromma to the Sickla plant in Hammarbybacken, a new plant in Sickla and rebuilding the existing basins in Henriksdal.

In this project, which is an option within the framework of the existing agreement, Peab will rebuild for the installation of the new and improved biological treatment process. The project includes demolition and decontamination as well as construction of new basins. The work will be done in the underground plant in Henrikdalsberget while the plant is in operation. 

"We're pleased with the continued confidence in us from Stockholm Vatten och Avfall and that now we'll begin to work on rebuilding Henriksdal's Wastewater Treatment Plant. Through continued good cooperation we'll make sure that the treatment plant functions with minimal disruption during construction," says Carl Johan Söderberg, Region Manager Peab.

The project is a traditional contract in partnership. Work will start in April 2025 and is expected to be completed in the spring of 2028.

The project will be order registered in the first quarter 2025.

Image: SVOA

For further information, please contact:

Juha Hartomaa, Head of Investor Relations Peab, +46 72 533 31 45

Datum 2025-02-19, kl 08:00
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