Peab builds county archive in Nässjö

The new archive building of approximately 7,000 m2 will be erected in the future area of Västra staden in Nässjö on the corner of Brogatan and Fiskaregatan. In addition to preserving documents and official papers for Region Jönköping's County Archives and Jönköping County's Popular Movement Archive, the building will contain an open archive for research as well as offices and workspaces for the region's employees. The new archive will have about 323 miles of shelf space.

"This project is an important step in ensuring that the region's documents and official papers are stored in a secure and accessible manner. We look forward to working closely with the region to plan and produce this modern and functional building," says Anders Bergeling, Region Manager Peab.

At present the region's documents and official papers are stored in scattered locations over a large geographical area. Several of these premises are not suited to store the documents, journals and images being preserved for the future.

"This was the last gate in implementing our investment in the new regional archive and passing through it feels great," says Klas Melman, Construction Project Manager Regionfastigheter, Region Jönköping County.

This construction contract was preceded by a so-called phase 1 contract, which means that Peab was contracted to work with the customer to map out an optimized product with the right quality and to manage risks and uncertainties.  The project is now entering phase 2 which is signing a construction contract.

The project is a turnkey contract in partnering. Work will start in April and is expected to be completed in March 2027.

The project will be order registered in the fourth quarter 2024.

Illustration: Victor and Lina Arkitektkontor

For further information, please contact:

Juha Hartomaa, Head of Investor Relations Peab, +46 72 533 31 45

Datum 2024-12-23, kl 08:00
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