Peab builds bridge in Härnösand

The current clapboard bridge was inaugurated in 1937 and has now come to the end of its technical life. The new bridge will be an arch bridge and is inspired by the very first bridge built there at the end of the 1800s. The new bridge will also have a swing section in the middle to let boat traffic through. While the bridge is being built Peab will build a temporary bridge to solve the traffic situation.

"I'm glad that in this technically advanced project we have, through our good partnership with Härnösand Municipality, found financial and sustainable solutions and the new bridge will be a big boost for its residents and visitors. With local resources we're building critical community infrastructure in Härnösand," says Jörgen Eriksson, Region Manager Peab.

"We'll get a new and modern bridge both technically and appearance-wise. It will be a landmark that everyone driving through the city on Highway E4 will notice," says chairman of the community board of Härnösand Municipality, Helena Elfvendal.

The project is a turnkey contract in partnering. Construction will begin in June 2024 and the bridge is expected to be operable in June 2026.

The project will be order registered in the first quarter 2024.

Photo: Baran Hosseini

Montage: Gottlieb Paludan Architects

For further information, please contact:

Juha Hartomaa, Head of Investor Relations Peab, +46 725 33 31 45

Datum 2024-03-28, kl 11:15
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