Peab builds another building at Sörbyn Prison

The building - like the ones Peab has previously built within the same project - will be built according to "Miljöbyggnad Gold". This entails carefully choosing materials that are sustainable both when produced and over time.

"I really appreciate our good collaboration with Specialfastigheter and the close dialogue with the Prison and Probation Service. This leads to continuous improvements in processes and the work environment, quality and cooperation. The new building will be built with geothermal heating and solar panels to achieve Miljöbyggnad Gold," says Susanne Hallberg, Region Manager Peab.

The project is a traditional contract. Construction will start in April and completed at the end of 2025.

The project will be order registered in the first quarter 2024.

For further information, please contact:

Juha Hartomaa, Head of Investor Relations Peab, +46 725 33 31 45

Datum 2024-03-26, kl 08:00
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