OX2’s Nomination Committee’s proposals for AGM 2024


The Nomination Committee of OX2 AB (publ) has deciced to propose re-election of all current board members – Johan Ihrfelt, Thomas von Otter, Anna-Karin Eliasson Celsing, Niklas Midby, Malin Persson, and Ann Grevelius – and new election of Øystein Løseth, Peter Wallin and Kristina Patek as board members. The Nomination Committee also proposes the re-election of Johan Ihrfelt as chairman of the board and the re-election of Deloitte AB as auditor until the end of the next annual general meeting.

Øystein Løseth, Peter Wallin and Kristina Patek are proposed as new board members.

Øystein Løseth, born 1958, holds an MSc in Engineering from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, as well as a degree in Business Administration from BI Norwegian Business School. Previous work experience includes roles as President and CEO of Vattenfall, President and CEO of Fugro as well as President and CEO of Nuon. He has also served as Chairman of the Board of Statoil (Equinor) and currently holds the position as Chairman of the Board of Innlandet Energi Holding and as member of the Board of Eidsiva Energi. Øystein Løseth (and related parties to him) owns no ordinary shares in OX2 AB (publ). The nomination committee is of the opinion that Øystein Løseth, pursuant to the Swedish Corporate Governance Code, is independent in relation to the company and its management as well as to the company's major shareholders.

Peter Wallin, born 1967, holds an MSc in Finance from Uppsala University and is President and CEO of Bonava AB. Previous work experience includes roles as CFO and Business Manager at Ratos as well as Group CFO and Business Manager at Skanska. He has no current board assignments. Peter Wallin (and related parties to him) owns no ordinary shares in OX2 AB (publ). The nomination committee is of the opinion that Peter Wallin, pursuant to the Swedish Corporate Governance Code, is independent in relation to the company and its management as well as to the company's major shareholders.

Kristina Patek, born 1969, holds an MSc in Business Administration from Uppsala University and is Senior Investment Manager at Stena Sessan AB. Previous work experience includes roles as Head of M&A at Tieto Oy, Partner at Scope Capital, Investment Manager at Ratos and Management Consultant at Accenture. She also serves as member of the Board of Scandic Hotels Group, Platform24, Matilda Foodtech and Doktor24. Kristina Patek (and related parties to her) owns 6 000 ordinary shares in OX2 AB (publ). The nomination committee is of the opinion that Kristina Patek, pursuant to the Swedish Corporate Governance Code, is independent in relation to the company and its management as well as to the company's major shareholders.

Information about the current board members proposed for re-election can be found on OX2’s website, www.ox2.com.
The Nomination Committee consists of Johan Wieslander (chairman, appointed by Peas Industries), Jesper Bergström (appointed by Handelsbanken Fonder), and Peter Lagerlöf (appointed by Lannebo Fonder) and also the chairman of the board, Johan Ihrfelt. The Nomination Committee’s full proposal and statement will, in connection with publication of the notice for annual general meeting, be available on OX2’s website, www.ox2.com.

OX2 AB’s (publ) annual general meeting 2024 will be held at 10.00 at Brygghuset, (Norrtullsgatan 12 N) in Stockholm on 14 May 2024.

For further information, please contact: 

Henrik Vikström 
Investor Relations Director 
Tel. +4670 952 80 06 
Edvard Lind 
OX2 Communication 
Tel. +4672 727 11 17 

Datum 2024-04-08, kl 09:00
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