OX2 has handed over the Krasnik wind farm in Poland

OX2 has handed over the Krasnik wind farm in Poland to Equitix. The wind farm comprise of 7 wind turbines with a total installed capacity of 24 MW.

The Krasnik wind farm will produce about 79 GWh of energy and assuming an average annual household consumption of about 5,000 kWh, it will be able to supply about 16,000 households.
OX2 will be responsible for the technical and commercial management of the project under a 15-year agreement, optimizing the production and supervising its safe operations. 

By the end of the second quarter OX2 was constructing nine project in four markets with a total capacity of about 1,000 MW.

Datum 2024-09-02, kl 08:00
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