Ovzon receives new order from Swedish Space Corporation (SSC)

Ovzon has received a new order for Ovzon’s SATCOM-as-a-Service from Swedish Space Corporation (SSC) for delivery during 2024. The total order value amounts to 6 MSEK.

Ovzon's SATCOM-as-a-Service is recognized for its exceptional ability to support any critical mission by integrating highest degree of mobility, performance, and resiliency.

This recent order emphasizes Ovzon and SSC´s joint commitment to serving primarily Swedish government organizations and agencies, with SSC remaining crucial in the effective deployment of this service.

"We are very pleased to receive this new order from our partner SSC, which is in line with our continuous successful collaboration. With our Ovzon 3 satellite, operational in mid-2024, and its unique performance, mobility and resiliency capabilities, we remain committed to providing the Swedish market with unique mobile satellite communications solutions, powered by Swedish integrated solutions, technology and innovation”, says Ovzon’s CEO, Per Norén.

Datum 2024-02-29, kl 14:00
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