Ovzon receives an Ovzon 3 order from Swedish Space Corporation (SSC)

Ovzon has received an initial limited order for Ovzon SATCOM-as-a-Service using the newly operationalized Ovzon 3 satellite from its partner, Swedish Space Corporation (SSC). The service was delivered within 24 hours of being requested.

Ovzon's SATCOM-as-a-Service is known for supporting critical missions with high performance, mobility, and resiliency. The delivery highlights the continued confidence of SSC in Ovzon’s capabilities to provide advanced SATCOM services to Swedish government agencies. This order relates to a different end-customer than the order received from SSC in December 2023.

“We are very pleased to receive another order from SSC. With the Ovzon 3 satellite now in commercial service, we are committed to providing Swedish and other nations progressive governments and organizations with unmatched guaranteed communication solutions via satellite” says Ovzon’s CEO, Per Norén.

Datum 2024-08-15, kl 08:00
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