Ovzon launches two new Ovzon 3 based SATCOM-as-a-Service offerings

Ovzon launches two new SATCOM-as-a-Service offerings tailored to meet customer’s needs for performance, mobility, and resiliency. The new integrated solutions are named Ovzon Pegasus and Ovzon Orion. They are built on the unique technologies and capabilities of the new satellite Ovzon 3 and the Ovzon On-Board-Processor.

Ovzon´s new offerings are unique in their ability to meet the most demanding requirements on satellite communications set forth by customers;

Ovzon Pegasus service, enabled by Ovzon 3 brings a steerable beam service offering, specifically developed for the critical tasks of the most demanding customers. It offers unprecedented throughput to and from the smallest mobile satellite terminals resulting in up to twice the data rate-to-weight ratio versus any satellite spot beam service on the market today.

Ovzon Orion service, exclusive to the mobile satellite terminal Ovzon T7 and enabled by the Ovzon 3 and the Ovzon On-Board-Processor. This integrated service allows for the most advanced features specifically developed for mission-critical applications of customers operating in near-peer environments. It offers unique resiliency permitting autonomous operation, in challenging environments, giving the ability to continue operation through a direct link between Ovzon 3 and the mobile satellite terminal even if the ground control station is compromised.

“As Ovzon 3 prepares for its entry-into-service, I am proud that we now launch these new industry first services enabled by Ovzon 3, the Ovzon On-Board-Processor and the Ovzon T7. Ovzon’s innovative and unique technologies can offer something to our customers which is not available today on the market, and meet the increasing demand on mission critical satellite communication” says Per Norén, CEO of Ovzon.

Datum 2024-05-07, kl 08:00
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