Ovzon in successful demonstration with the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV)

Last week, Ovzon demonstrated an integrated satellite communications solution, including mobile satellite terminals and Ovzon 3-based SATCOM service, in a pilot test with remote control of an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV). The demonstration was made together with the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV).

The demonstration took place at two locations: the UGV was in Kiruna, approximately 1000 km away from the command-and-control center in Stockholm.

This demonstration is proof of the versatility of Ovzon’s SATCOM solutions using the company’s own satellite, Ovzon 3, and the unique capabilities of the Ovzon On-Board-Processor (OBP) to create a true mesh network with sovereign control within the borders of Sweden.

Erik Lundström, Project Manager at FMV, says; “Remotely controlled systems will play a fundamental role in the future, and this demonstration was therefore very important. This was a first, and it was a challenging task to guarantee satellite communication so we could remotely steer a UGV 1000 km away from Stockholm in a completely Swedish context. Ovzon, with its Ovzon 3 satellite and its groundbreaking technology, made this possible.”

“Satellite communications play a crucial role in enabling the operation of unmanned vehicles (UAVs) across various environments. At Ovzon, we have always worked with our customers' specific needs in mind. Working on different proof of concepts helps us remain a world leading satellite communications company”, concludes Per Norén, CEO of Ovzon.

Datum 2024-11-28, kl 07:30
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