Ovzon collaborates with the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration to demonstrate resilient and sovereign SATCOM with Ovzon 3

Ovzon has received an order from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) for an integrated solution including mobile satellite terminals and Ovzon 3 based SATCOM service to enable a unique implementation and demonstration with unmanned ground vehicle (UGV). The demonstration will take place during second half of November in Sweden.

 Ovzon’s SATCOM solutions are industry leading and can support sovereign use cases where services can be controlled within a country’s borders, while deployed anywhere in the world. Ovzon provides market leading resilience through the Ovzon 3 satellite and the On-Board Processor. The objective of the demonstration is to showcase these capabilities while remotely controlling an unmanned vehicle over large distances.
“Within a short period of time we have created a significant interest in Ovzon 3’s unique capabilities and initiated implementation with several governmental organizations in the USA and Europe. Our solutions, that combine high performance, mobility and resiliency, make Ovzon ideal in supporting critical missions within defense, national security and public safety. We see this demonstration as an important step to further deepen our relationship with Swedish defense organizations”, says Ovzon’s CEO, Per Norén.

Datum 2024-11-11, kl 07:30
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