Ovzon appoints Viktor Bremer as interim CFO


Viktor Bremer has been appointed interim CFO starting immediately, while the recruitment of a new CFO is ongoing.

Viktor Bremer has worked at Ovzon since 2021, most recently in the position as Group Finance Manager. During these years, he has had a central role in Ovzon’s enterprise wide finance function. Viktor has extensive experience from central finance functions, including positions as Financial, Business, Treasury Controller and Interim CFO at both listed and unlisted companies.

"I want to thank Noora Jayasekara for her excellent job as Ovzon’s CFO and wish her the best for the future. I have great confidence in Viktor Bremer assuming the role, ensuring sustained high quality and continuity until the recruitment process is finalized", says Per Norén, CEO of Ovzon.

Datum 2024-05-02, kl 08:00
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