OssDsign changes Certified Adviser to Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ)


OssDsign has entered into an agreement with Carnegie Investment Bank AB regarding the position of Certified Adviser. Carnegie Investment Bank AB will take over as Certified Adviser as of today.


For further information, please contact:

Morten Henneveld, CEO, OssDsign AB

Tel: +46 73 382 43 90, email: morten.henneveld@ossdsign.com


Certified Adviser

The Company’s Certified Adviser is Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ)


About OssDsign

OssDsign is a developer and global provider of next generation bone replacement products. Based on cutting edge material science, the company develops and markets products that support the body's own healing capabilities and thereby improve the clinical outcome in a wide range of orthopedic areas with high medical needs. With a product portfolio consisting of patient-specific implants for cranial surgeries and an off-the-shelf synthetic bone graft for spine surgeries, OssDsign give patients back the life they deserve. The company has a strong commercial presence in the U.S., Europe and selected Asian countries. OssDsign's share is traded on Nasdaq First North Growth Market in Stockholm, Sweden.




Datum 2023-11-30, kl 13:55
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