Three-year results from the field study EN 12037 for OrganoWood Nowa

To find out if wood above ground is durable, you can do various standardized tests to see how it resists fungal degradation, most of these are lab tests. But we also wanted to see how it performs in a natural environment outdoors in one of the world's toughest environments for wood, the Malaysian rainforest.

The independent external institute Dansk Teknologisk Institut therefore carries out the EN 12037 field test with Organowood Nowa in both Denmark and Malaysia.

The references, which consist of untreated pine wood and the wood impregnated with CCA (chromium, copper and arsenic), which has been banned for 20 years, were also included in the test. The scale for assessing degradation ranges from grade 0–4, where 0 meas that the wood is unaffected and 4 means that the wood is completely degraded. The untreated reference in Malaysia was completely degraded after 3 years, by rot fungus but also in some cases by termites. Pine pressure-impregnated with CCA was, as expected, unaffected.

But also Organowood Nowa was completely unaffected with grade 0 on the scale! The result shows a very good wood protection even in the warm and humid environment that a rainforest offers. The field study will continue and we will continuously report results from both Denmark and Malaysia.

For more info please contact:

Jens Hamlin CEO OrganoWood AB

08-684 001 14

About OrganoWood AB

OrganoWood was founded in 2010 by OrganoClick AB (publ) and Kvigos AB and is based on scientific breakthroughs in methods for modifying biofibres. OrganoWoods products are produced in OrganoClick's production facility in Täby and by the company's industrial partner Bergs Timber Bitus in Nybro as modified works. OrganoClick is listed on Nasdaq First North and was named by the World Wildlife Fund - WWF as a "Climate Solver" ( in 2010, as one of Sweden's 20 most innovative companies in 2011 by the Swedish Institute and has been included in NyTeknik's and Affärsvärlden's "33 list" of Sweden's hottest technology companies in 2012 and 2013. For more info please visit 

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