Oncopeptides ensures five years extended market exclusivity for Pepaxti in Europe


Stockholm, February 15, 2024 – Oncopeptides AB (publ), a biotech company focused on difficult-to-treat cancers, today announces that it will receive an extension of a key patent ensuring market exclusivity for melflufen, marketed in Europe as Pepaxti, in Europe until 2037, an extension of five years.

The so-called supplementary protection certificate (SPC) extension ensures that Oncopeptides will have the exclusive rights to produce and market melflufen in Europe for another five years. The company has previously communicated that it estimates market potential for Pepaxti in Europe at 1.5 billion SEK per year.

“The extended exclusivity on the European market for Pepaxti creates added opportunity for Oncopeptides, and we look forward to being able to continue serving the high unmet need for patients suffering from relapsing, refractory multiple myeloma for even longer, which we believe could create significant benefits for both patients and our shareholders,” says Sofia Heigis, CEO of Oncopeptides.

For more information, please visit www.oncopeptides.com/en where a Q&A for investors will be posted. Oncopeptides intends to also comment further on this event during the presentation of its Q4 2023 report on February 27 at 9.00 CET (invitation to come separately).

Datum 2024-02-15, kl 10:45
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