OmniCar: The Swedish Companies Registration Office has registered shares issued by OmniCar Holding AB on 10 July 2023

The Swedish Companies Registration Office has registered 9,800,000 shares issued by OmniCar Holding AB ("OmniCar") on 10 July 2023. As a result, OmniCar's number of shares increased from 96,242,328 to 106,042,328 and the share capital increased with 980,000 from SEK 9,624,232.80 to SEK 10,604,232.80. SEK 2,205,000 has been paid by cash and SEK 3,675,000 through set-off of claims against the company for the issued and registered shares.

On 29 December 2022, The Board of Directors of OmniCar resolved to issue in total 28,175,000 shares (with an aggregate subscription price of SEK 16,905,000). OmniCar has previously announced that 18,375,000 shares already have been registered by the Swedish Companies Registration Office. As of now, OmniCar has received payment (SEK 2,205,000) and allowed set-off of claims against the company (SEK 3,675,000) for the remaining 9,800,000 subscribed shares, whereby the Swedish Companies Registration Office has registered the shares. All 28,175,000 shares issued by the resolution on 29 December 2022 have thus now been registered.

For further details on the resolutions made by the board of directors of OmniCar on 29 December 2022, please see the press release announced by the company on this date.

Datum 2023-07-12, kl 14:00
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