Report from the Extraordinary General Meeting on 19 November in ODI Pharma AB (publ)

Approval of the board of directors' resolution on a rights issue of shares (item 7)
The meeting approved the board of directors' resolution to increase the company's share capital by a maximum of SEK 50,733.32 through a rights issue of a maximum of 1,268,333 shares.

The issue shall otherwise be subject to the following conditions

  1. The issue shall be made with preferential rights for the shareholders of the company. For each existing share, one subscription right is received, twelve (12) such subscription rights entitle to subscription of one new share.
  2. The record date in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB for determining which shareholders are entitled to participate in the issue with preferential rights is 22 November 2024. Others may also subscribe in the issue.
  3. SEK 3.22 shall be paid in cash for each share subscribed. Amounts exceeding the quota value shall be transferred to the unrestricted share premium reserve.
  4. Subscription of shares shall take place during the period from 26 November 2024 up to and including 10 December 2024. Subscription with preferential rights shall be made through simultaneous cash payment. Subscription made without subscription rights shall be made on a separate subscription list and payment shall be made no later than the fourth banking day after notification of allotment has been sent to the subscriber. The board of directors shall be entitled to extend the time for subscription and payment.

The board of directors' proposal for a resolution on authorisation to decide on share issues (item 8)
The meeting resolved to authorise the board of directors to decide on the issue of a maximum number of shares within the limits of the Articles of Association, with or without deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights. The authorisation may be used on two occasions, at the latest until the 2024 Annual General Meeting, to issue shares to those who did not receive full subscription in the rights issue and for any guarantee compensation to guarantors in the rights issue. The board of directors shall be authorized to decide on the detailed terms of the issue on each occasion.

In order for the company's current shareholders not to be disadvantaged in relation to the external investor(s) who may subscribe for shares, the board of directors finds it appropriate that the issue, with deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights, shall be made at the board of directors' market-based subscription price, subject to a market-based issue discount where applicable. In addition to cash payment, payment may also be made in kind or by set-off, or otherwise with conditions.

Election of a new Board member (item 9)
The meeting resolved to elect Malcolm Allan as a member of the board until the next Annual General Meeting.

Stockholm in November 2024

ODI Pharma AB (publ)


For more information on ODI Pharma, please contact:

Volker Wiederrich, Chairman, ODI Pharma AB


ODI Pharma AB

ODI Pharma, based on its European network, subsidiaries and affiliates, is a producer and representative of finished pharmaceutical cannabis products with a focus on distribution to the medical cannabis market in Europe through its subsidiary ODI Pharma Polska Sp. z o.o. ODI Pharma intends to provide a high-quality product at a competitive price compared to competitors in Poland, thereby becoming the number one provider of medical cannabis in Poland. ODI Pharma also strives to be on the forefront of understanding the medical applications of the product as well as introducing new, innovative products to the European patients in need. The Company will continue to team up with the most knowledgeable and best renown partners in the industry to achieve its goals.

Datum 2024-11-19, kl 16:00
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