Nyfosa publishes prospectus and applies for admission to trading of senior unsecured green bonds on Nasdaq Stockholm’s sustainable bond list


On September 26, 2024, Nyfosa AB (“Nyfosa”) issued senior unsecured green bonds in an amount of MSEK 500 under a total framework of MSEK 700 (the “Green Bonds”). Under the terms and conditions of the Green Bonds, Nyfosa has undertaken to apply for admission to trading of the Green Bonds on the sustainable bond list of Nasdaq Stockholm. For the purpose of the admission to trading, Nyfosa has prepared a prospectus which has been approved by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority today. Nyfosa will submit an application for admission to trading and the first trading day of the Green Bonds is expected to be on or about October 31, 2024. The prospectus will be available at Nyfosa’s website www.nyfosa.se and the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority’s website www.fi.se.

Datum 2024-10-29, kl 14:00
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