Nyfosa announces early redemption of existing bonds 2021/2024


Nyfosa AB (publ) (the “Company”) announces today that it will redeem in full its outstanding bond loan (nominal amount outstanding of MSEK 275) with ISIN SE0015811385 (the “Bonds” and “Early Redemption”). The Bonds will be redeemed on 6 December 2023 (the “Redemption Date”) at the redemption price of 100.00 per cent. of the nominal amount together with accrued but unpaid interest up to (and including) the Redemption Date (the “Redemption Price”). The Redemption Price will be paid to each person who is registered as owner of Bonds in the debt register maintained by Euroclear Sweden at the end of business on 29 November 2023. In connection with the Early Redemption, the Bonds will be de-listed from Nasdaq Stockholm. A notice of early redemption will be sent to holders directly registered in the debt register as owners of Bonds as per 9 November 2023. The notice of Early Redemption will also be available at the Company’s website www.nyfosa.se.

Following the Early Redemption, the Company will not have any bond maturities during 2024. Of the total loan portfolio, bonds will only constitute approximately 5.5 per cent., which corresponds to MSEK 1,350 with maturity in 2025 and 2026.

Datum 2023-11-10, kl 13:20
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