NOTE has signed an agreement for a new factory in Lund

NOTE has signed an agreement with the property developer Wihlborgs to build a new factory for the operations in NOTE Lund. This will allow for the increasing demand in the coming years. The property will be rented over 15 years.

Through the construction of a new plant NOTE Lund will have just above 9,000 square meters well-tailored for the operations. The forecasted expansion for the coming years will more than compensate for the increased operating costs. NOTE will move from the rented property where the business is conducted today in 2026 when the new property is ready.

”Going forward, NOTE sees continued increasing demand from its customers. Despite a weaker economy in 2024, we see that the forecasts from our customers are strong and to meet that demand we need to expand the factory in Lund.” says Johannes Lind-Widestam, CEO and president.

Datum 2024-09-13, kl 15:30
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