Invitation to presentation of NOTE´s Interim Report on 17 October

The Interim Report for the third quarter 2023 will be published 17 October at 8:30 a.m. CET. The same day, at 10:00 a.m. CET, NOTE will arrange a teleconference for analysts, media and investors.

The report will be presented by NOTE’s CEO and President Johannes Lind-Widestam in English. The presentation will be held at Citylife at Sveavägen 63 via Financial Hearings in Stockholm, Sweden. Registration is done by emailing The last day to register is 13 October 2023. If the event is fully booked, shareholders will be prioritised.

The presentation will also be broadcasted live. To watch the broadcast, right-click on the link here and select open link. No pre-registration is required to watch the webcast. A recording will be available afterwards on NOTE’s website

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Datum 2023-10-10, kl 15:00
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