Nordisk Bergteknik wins new major project for the West Link project - higher demand and increased activity within Rock Sweden

- It is gratifying to note a higher level of activity during the current quarter compared to the third quarter when the financial development was not satisfactory. Our projects in the West Link will employ significantly more staff and machinery in the coming quarters compared to recent quarters. Furthermore, we are seeing solid organic growth in our prospect drilling business, while existing customers in the Malmfälts area are placing increasingly large orders and raising forecasts for next year. Finally, we have recently received a significant contract with Kaunis Iron in Pajala, which is a new customer for us, says Andreas Christoffersson, CEO Nordisk Bergteknik AB.

The current project in the West Link has a high complexity, which is partly due to the fact that the work in the tunnel is carried out in both rock and clay, and partly because the work under the amusement park has specific requirements for the work. Bohus Bergsprängning has extensive experience of excavating rock both above and below ground in complex environments and won the project through its broad expertise and good references. Work on the West Link under Liseberg is expected to continue more or less around the clock until April 2024.

- We see that our unique expertise in rock and tunnel work is once again in demand in major infrastructure initiatives such as the West Link. The phase will be one of our most complicated projects to date and will mean very intensive work in the coming months, which means, among other things, that safety is of the utmost importance and has the highest priority, says Robert Andreasson, MD Bohus Bergsprängning.

For further information, contact:

Andreas Christoffersson, CEO, +46 70-621 19 28,

Johan Lundqvist, CFO, +46 76-392 71 21,

About Nordisk Bergteknik

Nordisk Bergteknik has a clear growth strategy with the objective to contribute to the development of a future sustainable society. Our companies are specialists within rock handling and foundation solutions, and through compassion and skill they are able to combine demand with the surrounding natural conditions. To be involved at an early stage in building modern societal functions is our everyday life, our home ground and our future.

Datum 2023-11-21, kl 07:45
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