Nordic Waterproofing Holding AB will publish its first quarter report for the period January – March 2024 on Thursday, 25 April 2024, at approximately 08:00 a.m. CEST. A conference call and web presentation for investors, analysts and media will be held the same day, at 10:00 a.m. CEST.

The CEO, Mr. Martin Ellis, and the CFO, Mr. Palle Schrewelius, will present and comment the report as well as answer questions following the presentation.
The presentation will be held in English via a MS Teams webcast. In addition, the interim report and presentation slides will be available on Nordic Waterproofing’s website.
Questions may be submitted at a Q&A session after the presentation, either direct in the meeting, via the chat or Q&A function or through sending the question in an e-mail to
To participate, see the following options:

  • Register on the following link:
  • Connect through MS Teams with meeting ID: 345 343566 96 and passcode: Mtptqc
  • Dial either of these numbers and use conference id 981 248 676#:
    – From Sweden: +46 8 502 428 90
    – From Denmark: +45 32 72 66 61
    – From United Kingdom: +44 20 7660 8326
    – From Finland: +358 9 85 626 548
Datum 2024-04-22, kl 11:00
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